Prospects and Challenges for Silicon Carbide (Si) in Energy Markets
Increased bandgap provides better temperature ranges of operation without breakdown and decreased…
A SiC Diode Test Procedure
In this article, We will learn how to measure a SiC MOSFET.
800V EVs charge automobiles into the mainstream using SiC power devices
Drive cycle efficiency must therefore be prioritized in powertrain design, necessitating the…
Wide-bandgap Semiconductor Applications in Power Electronics
Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors can function at higher voltages, temperatures, and frequencies as they…
Five-level single-phase SiC converter reduces switch voltage stress
This article discusses an effective MLC modification that uses advanced technologies to…
Development and application of 50kW grid-connected PV inverters using SiC devices
In this article, the researchers developed a 50kW PV inverter using SiC-based…
SiC devices for space exploration: Venus Planet
SiC devices for space exploration help scientists closely study the surface and…
Si vs SiC MOSFETs: Half-Bridge LLC Resonant Converters
This article compares the Si and SiC MOSFETs modelled in a 3KW…
Usage of WBG Devices in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
The majority of electronics power devices have traditionally been built using silicon,…
Third-generation SiC MOSFETs offer enhanced efficiency and reduced size
Five brand-new 650V SiC MOSFET devices of the third generation have been…